Lucy stands behind a podium, looking at the audience. Behind her is a large projector screen showing a Contributions slide, reading: 'Proposed multisensory design considerations (lingiustic, aural, smell, and taste) to make 360° videos more accessible and immersive; explored the importance of including BLV experts in creating / designing access technologies; utilized a co-design framework featuring mixed-ability groups' and containing her contact information.
Description: Lucy stands behind a podium, looking at the audience. Behind her is a large projector screen showing a Contributions slide, reading: 'Proposed multisensory design considerations (lingiustic, aural, smell, and taste) to make 360° videos more accessible and immersive; explored the importance of including BLV experts in creating / designing access technologies; utilized a co-design framework featuring mixed-ability groups' and containing her contact information.

Super excited and grateful to present my paper and serve as the Student Volunteer Chair for ASSETS this year! It was so fun to work with all 36 student volunteers to support both the in-person and virtual conference experiences. Find more information about the research we presented below, and access the papers through the links to the right!

Works Presented

I had the opportunity to present our paper, Beyond Audio Description: Exploring 360° Video Accessibility with Blind and Low Vision Users Through Collaborative Creation. It was especially exciting since this was my first-ever first-author paper! 🎉

Our poster, "Invisible Illness Is No Longer Invisible": Making Social VR Avatars More Inclusive for Invisible Disability Representation, was also presented at ASSETS!


18 of the ASSETS SVs pose for a group photo in front of the conference center, with a reflection of the Queensboro Bridge in the glass windows behind them.
Description: 18 of the ASSETS SVs pose for a group photo in front of the conference center, with a reflection of the Queensboro Bridge in the glass windows behind them.
Lucy and an ASL interpreter stand on the stage while audience members watch a video during her paper presentation. The screen shows a still of Luigi from the Mario Brothers franchise.
Description: Lucy and an ASL interpreter stand on the stage while audience members watch a video during her paper presentation. The screen shows a still of Luigi from the Mario Brothers franchise.


Beyond Audio Description: Exploring 360° Video Accessibility with Blind and Low Vision Users Through Collaborative Creation
Paper [DOI / PDF]
L. Jiang, M. Phutane, S. Azenkot

Blog Post [Medium]

Presentation Slides [PDF]

Video Presentation [YouTube]

360° Demo Video [YouTube]

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"Invisible Illness Is No Longer Invisible": Making Social VR Avatars More Inclusive for Invisible Disability Representation
Poster [DOI / PDF]
R. J. Gualano*, L. Jiang*, K. Zhang*, A. S. Won, S. Azenkot

BibTeX Show Copy 📄

Get in touch!

If you're interested in digital information accessibility, specifically regarding subjective sources (images, videos, etc.), please reach out – I'd love to chat!
