Lucy, a Chinese American woman, holds a two-tiered wedding cake with pastel pink flowers and rose gold detailing.
Description: Lucy, a Chinese American woman, holds a two-tiered cake with pastel pink flowers and rose gold detailing.

(And yes, I made this cake 🍰)

Hello World! 👋

I'm Lucy Jiang, and I'm passionate about designing accessible technology, fostering inclusive communities, and harnessing creativity for social good.

I'm a first-year PhD student in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Dr. Leah Findlater! I recently graduated from Cornell University with a MS in Computer Science, advised by Dr. Shiri Azenkot. My research interests are in accessibility and human-computer interaction. I am grateful to be supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

This year, I'm also working with the Design Trust for Public Space as a Cornell Tech Siegel PiTech Impact Fellow. During my time at Cornell, I worked on a handful of accessibility research projects. My first project, focused on 360° video accessibility, was published and presented at ASSETS 2023! I also led our work on video accessibility across different viewing scenarios, published at CHI 2024. Additionally, I've collaborated on research regarding hate and harassment on social media and invisible disability representation through social VR avatars.

Outside of research, I also volunteered as part of Cornell's Graduate Student School Outreach Program (GRASSHOPR), served as the President of the Computer Science Graduate Organization, mentored interdisciplinary undergraduate research projects through the Milstein Program, and assisted with the SoNIC Assistive Robotics workshop.

I received my BS in Computer Science from the University of Washington in June 2022. As an undergraduate, I collaborated on and coauthored three research papers with Dr. Leah Findlater in the Inclusive Design Lab, co-founded and conducted user research in an AI-driven audio description startup, TA'd for courses including Human-Computer Interaction (CSE 440) and Data Structures and Parallelism (CSE 332), and organized department-wide social events to build community as the Chair of UW's ACM chapter.

My honors thesis, advised by Dr. Richard Ladner, focused on the design of automated audio description pipelines and understanding how to best integrate visual question answering tools to provide blind and low vision writers with the context necessary to independently write audio descriptions. I received the 2022 Outstanding Undergraduate Senior Thesis award from UW CSE for my work on this project.

If you'd like to chat, I'd love to connect over Zoom, email, or in-person over bubble tea and pastries! 😊